Agendas and Minutes are housed in BoardDocs.
Link to course and program outlines: CurriQunet
The Curriculum Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Academic Senate by developing policy recommendations which the Board of Trustees have elected to "rely primarily" on the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate, and for which the Curriculum Committee shall provide policy recommendations and procedures are:
In addition, graduation requirements, general education requirements, transfer requirements, articulation agreements and other matters relating to the curriculum may be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee for formulating policy recommendations and procedures to the Academic Senate.
The Curriculum Committee shall also serve in an advisory capacity to the Academic Senate and the Chief Executive Officer, as the Board of Trustees designee, on academic and professional matters on areas where mutual agreement must be reached before being submitted to the Board of Trustees. The eight areas that the Curriculum Committee shall provide policy recommendations procedures to the Academic Senate and the Chief Executive Officer are:
In addition, community needs assessments, instructional methodologies, catalog and schedule development, and other matters relating to programs and instruction may also be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee for formulating policy recommendations and procedures to the Academic Senate and the Chief Executive Officer.
The voting members shall be the Academic Senate Representative (Faculty Co-Chair); Articulation Officer; Department Chairpersons; Nursing and Allied Health Department Faculty Representative; Public Safety Department Faculty Representative; Child, Family and Consumer Sciences Department Representative; Distance Education Coordinator; District Counseling Coordinator; and Associated Student Government Representative.
The consulting members shall be the Chief Instructional Officer (CIO) (Co-Chair), Division Deans; Vice President for Student Services and Equity/Chief Student Services Officer; Disabled Student Programs and Services Director; Director of Admissions and Records; Student Success and Support Program Director; Librarian; Transfer Center Director; Associate Dean of Workforce Development and Non-Traditional Instruction (representing non-credit); Associate Dean of Nursing and Allied Health; SLO Coordinator; CPL Coordinator; and Guided Pathways Coordinator(s).
The Curriculum Committee members shall attend all Curriculum meetings or send their representative.
The regular meetings of the Curriculum Committee are held the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 2:40 p.m. in the board room.